Compost Suppliers


Earth & Turf lists compost supply options based on customer feedback and basic research. We do not personally know all suppliers, or intend to endorse them specifically other than the fact they offer compost.
If you have poor feedback on a specific location, please let our team know so we can remove their location. This map is meant to be a helpful networking resource, not a prescription of what compost is best quality or price.

Rocky Mountain Compost

(406) 690-5742

YES Compost

(406) 219-7011

Creston Topsoil

(406) 756-8217

Rocky Mountain Compost Saint Regis

(406) 690-5742

Landscape Resource

(406) 552-7720

Agri Organics Compost

(406) 697-5757

Old Castle Lawn & Garden

(856) 358-0990

SJAP / Naturalink

(856) 358-0156

Fertl soil carneys point

(866) 688-8628

The Yard LLC Topsoil & Mulch Depot

(908) 233-9900

Better Roots Composting

(406) 603-0114

Emmet County Recycling, Composting and Waste Transfer Station

(231) 348-0640