Healthy soils are important to healty turf growth. So many times we look at the Turf and forget that what makes it really great is the soil it grows in. Spreading a good quality compost on turf helps improve the microbiology of the soil by helping to generate a climate where beneficial micro-organisms can thrive. […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd by learning what you can do to help protect our planet. Check out the information available on this site The site has good information that we can all put into practice to make the Earth a better place to live. There is some good information on what you […]
Earth and Turf Products LLC is now a member of PLANET, the Professional Landcare Network. PLANET is an association of green industry professionals representing more than 4200 members. These members employ 100,000 plus employees. PLANET provides a number of services for their members, including certification programs, networking, government affairs and education. If you are in […]
A question we often get is how much compost does it take to topdress a lawn ? Obviously that depends on how big the lawn is and how deep you want to spread. If you spread at a 1/4” depth you will need approximately 3/4 of a cubic yd for each 1000 square feet. This […]
Many times people ask me what is the difference between Compost and Mulch. In a booklet called “Carolina Composting and Resource Guide ” they have a good definition of each I hope will be helpful. Here is their definitions; Compost: recycled organic products in which the feedstock(s) has undergone biological degredation, a process characterized by […]
Many times customers will call us wanting to learn more about composting since this is an up and coming product to apply to home lawns and turf areas in general. Those of you that are really interested in getting involved may want to consider joining the US Compost Council. For more information on joining check […]
I recently read an article on aeration, topdressing and overseeding that may be helpful to people interested in improving their home lawns. You can check it out at this address,
I just read an article on that I thought would be helpful to contractors who are trying to cost justify topdressing with compost. According to the information a public works manager in Mass. has been topdressing and aerating 40 acres of athletic fields for the past 3 years using Agresoil Compost topdressing. The process […]
We just came back from the Ohio Turf Grass Show in Columbus Ohio. Customers there asked if our Multispread Topdresser would spread wet material. My answer was yes absolutely we were the company that first developed the wide spread beater system for topdressers to spread wet or dry material. Our new model 320 Multispread topdresser […]
The U.S. Compost council published a paper on ” References on the Benefits of Compost Use “. The article references a number of papers that offered information on 13 different benefits of using compost. They are as follows; 1. Improves soil structure and porosity-creating a better plant root environment 2.Increases moisture infiltration and permeability, and […]