I just read in the Kiplinger Letter a clip about efforts to clean up the Chesapeake Bay. They say there will be regulations put in place in 2010. One of the issues is pollutants from ground water run off. Earth & Turf Products has been talking about this for some time now. The building contractors […]
I just got done reading an article about new technology to improve irrigation practices. It was amazing to me that there was no mention of having a good permeable soil with organic matter in it to retain the water. If a lawn or turf area has poor soil to start with you must use more […]
Organic lawns are lawns that the grass grows because of a healthy soil base not because it has been treated with tons of chemicals. In organic lawns there are thousands upon thousands of workers making sure the soil nutrients are available. These workers a come in the form of beneficial microbes, fungi, earth worms and […]
Core aeration combined with topdressing with compost in soils like clay and sand can really improve the soil and the turf quality. An article on www.iabolish.com recently spoke of the tremendous benefits of core aeration on clay soils in the Houston area to help open up the hard soil to improve drainage problems, get needed […]
An old friend who has been in the composting business for a number of years reminded me that there are a number of sites available to help people build proper compost piles. He said anyone can go on line and do a search for ”compost recipe calculator” and it will bring up several sites with […]
Fall is here and most of the leaves are on the ground. Now is the time to considering using the leaves and yard waste by shredding them and composting them. It does require some work to compost yard waste but it will be worth it when you return the composted material to your lawn or […]
Wow !!!!! California has just declared a drought, the Carolinas are still not even close to recovery from last years drought and Georgia isn’t far behind. I guess we will never quite figure it out. You can not have population swells in areas that are prone to dry weather and have very little natural water […]
Canadian cities are moving quickly to stop the use of pesticides and move to a more natural approach to maintaining lawns and gardens. One example is the city of Stratford, Ontario. They have a new web site that you should check out, http://www.city.stratford.on.ca/naturally/index.asp . The site has a bunch of great information on taking a […]
Organic and or natural lawn care can produce a more healthy grass. Lawns that have been treated, for years with chemical fertilizers and pesticides may require a solid strategy to switch from the chemical way to the organic way. This is where you can lean on our local extention agent for help. It will be […]
I just read an article on Horse Manure Management with a portion of the article devoted to coposting the manure. The author says that composting the manure by putting it in a pile for 6-12 months will yield a fairly dry product and reduce the volume by 40-60%. Aerating the pile by either putting perforated […]