I was just reading an article put out by Texas A&M University on turf cultivation. the two subjects that interested me were soil compaction and thatch control. In the article aeration is recommended for both conditions. Currently they talk about core aeration as a helpful cure and say there should be, at a minimum, 8-9 cores per square foot. At Earth & Turf we developed the Linear Aerator to do this job. The Linear Aerator cuts vertical grooves in the turf 3″ deep, 1/2″ wide and 3 1/2″ apart. This is a higher cultivation rate than 8-9 cores per square foot. It does an excellent job of thatch reduction as well as decompaction of the soil to improve the playing surface. To read more about what Texas A&M says check out their article for yourself at the following address http://aggie-turf.tamu.edu/aggieturf2/athletic/cultivation.html